MacDougall Sportsmen’s Club  |  3800 MacDougall Road – Waterloo, NY 13165  |  (315) 585-0155



MacDougall Sportsmen’s Club Fall Newsletter

I hope this note finds you and your family safe. Needless to say, 2020 has been a year thus far. I did not send out a spring newsletter due to limitations on getting copies made and the fact that there really was nothing going on with the club shut down.
Your 2020 Elected Club Officials: President: Aaron Boutwell, Vice-President: Jeff VanLiew, Treasurer: Terry Boutwell, Secretary: Judy Heitmann, Board Members: Barb Wells, Pat Crowe and Jerry Dilts.

Club Membership: approximately 326 as of this mailing with approximately 30 that will be dismissed by year end due to lack of payment for two years. (Please note dues are due by March 31 of the year in which the dues are for.) On a positive note, we had our first three junior members join the club in 2020!

Please note that as of this mailing we are still not fully operational do to regulations that the club must follow.

The range is always open for those that wish to get out and get some fresh air or maybe just to let off some steam. Please remember that there are regulations posted for use of the range and you must sign-in and out when utilizing this service.

Wednesday evenings has been designated our open trap night if anyone would like to practice or learn to shoot, this is the night to do it!
We have decided to move forward with the fall turkey/shrimp raffle on November 14th. Of course, we will need to abide by the NYS rules and regulations in effect at that time. If needed, we will be utilizing the upstairs to help with social distancing. Unfortunately, due to the non-events over 2020 we have decided not to raffle the safe until 2021 as there have been very limited ticket sales.

It is still uncertain if we will be having the annual Christmas party. Discussions are underway for potential alternative for the kids to see Santa, so do not forget to get them signed up on the board at the club.

With any luck we will be able to have our annual Bob Klemann shoot in full swing on January 1st.

For updates, keep an eye on the MacDougall Sportsmen’s Club Facebook page. Word of mouth of course is the next best messenger.

In December 2019, the club had a LG mini split installed to replace the coal stove in the main hall. This unit not only provides us with secondary heat in the winter it will also be providing air conditioning in the summer and it is on the wall providing us with much needed floor spacing. We plan to install the same unit upstairs sometime in the future. The south entrance way decking, and stairs has been completed and the backsplash has now been completed in the kitchen. Projects that the members have their sites on are bathroom upgrades, trap, and skeet house roofs as well as drainage and driveway options. The club will be seeking a professional opinion on the later.

Aaron Boutwell has been spearheading for two years a 200-bird trap shoot in September. For those unaware, this shoot involves shooting at four clubs and awards are presented at the end of the day back at MacDougall with a meal. This has been a successful event and it has been determined that the MacDougall Sportsmen’s Club will continue to host this event annually.

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